For the past thirty-five years, by choice, I've been in and around Christian Churches of almost every description. Utterly setting aside for a moment how one might assess my overall fidelity to the Faith, my best intention has been to be about the business St. Paul writes of in his Epistle to the Church at Philippi: "Be keener than ever to work out the salvation that God has given you with a proper sense of awe and responsibility. For it is God who is at work within you, giving you the will and the power to achieve his purpose." (Philippians 2:12b Phillips Translation).
To me this has always meant that, while there are some things only God can do, we are still called to participate in our own lives. This is not a gussied-up version of "God helps those who help themselves" which, while unbiblical, has its merits in context. But neither is it "Just let go and let God" with the sense that our lives are merely on Cosmic Cruise Control until the end of our collective human road-trip.